Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Critiquing Style

Before I review any movies, I just wanted to define my critiquing style.

I am a firm believer that movies are for entertaining. That's why they were created. During the Depression, movies took the viewer's mind off of the real world and transported them to a far off fantasy that always had a happy ending. I believe this helped America get through this tough time by giving the people some sort of dream to hold on to.

Therefore, I'm not really into deep movies like Lost in Translation or anything with too much drama in it. I figure "why watch something with this much drama in it when I could just go back to high school?" I mean, seriously, when I watch a movie (especially when I pay $10 for one at the theatre), I want to be entertained and not have to think too terribly hard. I want to be whisked away to some other world where things are slower or less stressful, etc.

I am more into super-hero movies, "light" action movies like Armageddon, animated family movies, romantic comedies, science fiction and just good, down-home family comedies like Cheaper by the Dozen. I'm also not into the "manly", shoot-em-up, cussing, explosion-filled movies like Die Hard, XXX, Rambo, etc.

I have never seen any of the Godfathers, Rambos, Die Hards, etc. I'm more in touch with my feminine side in that respect I guess.

So hopefully this clears up how I look at movies, but perhaps it made it more muddled. Either way, reading my reviews should help you get a feel for what I like and don't like and I'm hoping you'll agree or politely disagree with my critiques. Any feedback is most welcome as long as it's intelligent, polite, and contains no foul language. Please, keep this "G" rated. Thank you and visit often!

- J

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Thursday, August 21, 2008


Welcome to movies by J!

I have wanted to critique movies for a while now, but I never have the time and/or money to go see the new ones that come out in theatres. What to do then?

So I had this great idea of just critiquing the 300+ movies I already have. You see, I never bought or even rented movies before I started working at Blockbuster. I worked there for about 2 and a half years, eventually accumulating nearly 250 DVD's of my own! And since then, I have had a hard time keeping myself from buying movies. I love movies!

I love movies so much in fact, that I now want to be a movie director which is something I am currently working towards. But until that time, I will just be content in critiquing older movies.

So please enjoy, but don't let my opinions ruin your own opinion-making. That's the whole joy of movies!

Thank you for stopping by and come again soon!

- J